Florida Homies Pull Out Medical Weed Grow Movement

Florida Homies Pull Out Medical Weed Grow MovementYo, listen up! So check it, the peeps who were pushing for a citizen’s initiative in Florida to let medical marijuana patients grow their own weed at home have called it quits. They couldn’t gather enough signatures to get the measure on the ballot for the 2024 general election. Bummer, right?

This badass cannabis activist named Moriah Barnhart started this group called Wise and Free back in December 2022. Their mission was to get this medical marijuana home cultivation initiative on the ballot. But it ain’t easy, my friends. Those Republican lawmakers threw in some new restrictions and fees in … Read more “Florida Homies Pull Out Medical Weed Grow Movement”

How Many Homies It Take to Deliver That Dank? A. 4 B. 2 C. 1?

How Many Homies It Take to Deliver That Dank? A. 4 B. 2 C. 1?

Yo, what’s good? This is Dan coming at you with some dope news. Massachusetts regulators just made a game-changing decision for cannabis delivery businesses. They voted 3-1 to give the green light to solo cannabis delivery drivers. That’s right, they’re cutting the two-person team requirement, and it’s about to make a big impact on the industry.

So here’s the deal. The Massachusetts Cannabis Control Commission (CCC) got together and reached a consensus to revise their marijuana delivery regulations. They realized that the rule requiring two people for every delivery was causing a financial strain on the operators. And let me … Read more “How Many Homies It Take to Deliver That Dank? A. 4 B. 2 C. 1?”

Fed’s Rescheduling Ganja: States Ready to Blaze Up Some Major Shifts

Fed's Rescheduling Ganja: States Ready to Blaze Up Some Major Shifts

Yo, listen up! If the DEA decides to reschedule weed to Schedule III under the Controlled Substances Act (CSA), it’s gonna have major implications not only at the federal level, but also for states. You feel me?

So check it, there’s something called “trigger laws” in most states. Basically, if the federal status of marijuana changes, either automatically or through a process, it’s gonna trigger a response from the states. This response could lead to changes in politics, criminal justice, medical marijuana, and more.

Now, here’s how it breaks down. In more than half of the states, a federal scheduling … Read more “Fed’s Rescheduling Ganja: States Ready to Blaze Up Some Major Shifts”

New Year Brings Job Security for Cali Weed Heads

New Year Brings Job Security for Cali Weed Heads

Yo, listen up! If you’re a worker in Cali who’s into that sticky-icky, then I got some good news for you. Starting on January 1, two new laws are gonna give you some solid employment protections. So roll up and check it out.

First off, we got Assembly Bill 2188, also known as AB 2188. This law was signed by Governor Gavin Newsom back in 2022 and it’s gonna change the game for all you cannabis-loving workers out there. Basically, employers won’t be able to fire or discipline you just because you tested positive for cannabis in a urine or … Read more “New Year Brings Job Security for Cali Weed Heads”

Big Alcohol About to Take an L? Weed vs. Booze Closely Tied in the 18-25 Age Group

Big Alcohol About to Take an L? Weed vs. Booze Closely Tied in the 18-25 Age Group

Yo, check it out, fam! I’m ’bout to drop some knowledge on y’all about this sick analysis by TD Cowen’s analyst, Vivien Azer. She be talkin’ ’bout how the cannabis game is straight up beatin’ alcohol when it comes to sales. It’s a whole new level of competition, my peeps!

So, peep this: over the past five years, alcohol sales in states where weed is legal have been laggin’ behind by 100-150 basis points, according to Azer. That’s a big ol’ gap, my dudes! And listen up, ’cause Azer’s research predicts that the cannabis industry is ’bout to blow up … Read more “Big Alcohol About to Take an L? Weed vs. Booze Closely Tied in the 18-25 Age Group”

Despite Everybody and Their Mama Legalizing It, Ain’t as Many Youngins Finding it ‘Mad Simple’ To Score Some Dank

Despite Everybody and Their Mama Legalizing It, Ain't as Many Youngins Finding it 'Mad Simple' To Score Some Dank

Yo, check it. The number of legal cannabis shops has been blowin’ up in North America over the past decade, but that doesn’t mean it’s easier for kids to cop weed, ya feel me?

A fresh survey just dropped, fam, showin’ that youth in Canada ain’t findin’ it any easier to get their hands on the sticky icky even with all these new shops poppin’ up.

The study, published in Archives of Public Health, took a look at how the perception of cannabis access has changed among underage peeps in Canada since legalization and the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. … Read more “Despite Everybody and Their Mama Legalizing It, Ain’t as Many Youngins Finding it ‘Mad Simple’ To Score Some Dank”

Peacing Out Booze with a Tasty Gummy

Peacing Out Booze with a Tasty Gummy

Yo, my name is Dan and I’m here to drop some knowledge on you about the holiday season and how taking a break from alcohol with some gummies can make you feel better, ya heard?

Now, during the holidays, people be drinkin’ like crazy. They be poppin’ bottles, tryna chill and escape all that family drama. Alcohol be like the star of the show during this time. But here’s the thing, it ain’t always good for that feel-good vibe we all lookin’ for. Surveys say that between Thanksgiving and New Year’s, people be drinkin’ way more than usual. It’s like … Read more “Peacing Out Booze with a Tasty Gummy”

32K Weed Studies Drop in the Last Decade – Debunking the Research Hatin’

32K Weed Studies Drop in the Last Decade - Debunking the Research Hatin'

Yo, listen up! We gotta talk about this whole “not enough research” argument that people keep throwin’ around when it comes to cannabis. Like, seriously? We’ve been dealin’ with weed for centuries and we got a ton of modern research to back it up. But nah, these prohibitionists wanna act like we still don’t know enough. It’s straight-up ignorance, my dudes.

Check it, over the past decade, we’ve had more than 32,000 cannabis studies published. That’s right, over thirty-two thousand! And interest in research on cannabis is off the charts, way higher than for other drugs. We got a mountain … Read more “32K Weed Studies Drop in the Last Decade – Debunking the Research Hatin’”

Minnesota Health Officials Be Like: Yo, Watch Out for Them Dank Illegal High-Potency Hemp Products!

Minnesota Health Officials Be Like: Yo, Watch Out for Them Dank Illegal High-Potency Hemp Products!

Yo, peeps! Listen up! The Minnesota Department of Health just dropped a knowledge bomb on us. They straight up warned everyone that some stores out there be sellin’ illegal cannabis products that got way too much THC in ’em. Ya feel me? Minnesota may have legalized recreational marijuana, but the state-licensed dispensaries ain’t open yet. We gotta wait till early 2025, fam.

In their bulletin, the health department said they went and checked out 167 stores that sell hemp-derived cannabinoid products between August and November. Guess what? More than one-third of those shops, like 39% of ’em, were pushin’ illegal … Read more “Minnesota Health Officials Be Like: Yo, Watch Out for Them Dank Illegal High-Potency Hemp Products!”

Is Weed Lit in AZ and How Many Plants Can You Flex?

Is Weed Lit in AZ and How Many Plants Can You Flex?

Yo, yo, yo! Listen up, my peeps! I’m here to drop some knowledge on y’all about the cannabis laws in Arizona. So, check it out!

Ever since Prop 207 was introduced in 2020, both medical and recreational weed have become legit in Arizona. But hold up, there are still some rules and restrictions you need to know about if you’re tryna be a green thumbed grower. Let’s break it down, fam.

First things first, recreational weed is all good in Arizona now. That’s right, it’s fully legal and poppin’. This happened when Proposition 207 came into play in November 2020. … Read more “Is Weed Lit in AZ and How Many Plants Can You Flex?”