Mad Kush, Few Hustlers: Colorado Puts Up with Weakest 4/20 Sales in Half a Decade

Mad Kush, Few Hustlers: Colorado Puts Up with Weakest 4/20 Sales in Half a Decade

Yo, what up fam? It’s your boy Dan here, and I gotta lay down some heavy news about Colorado’s marijuana scene. Shit ain’t looking good, my dudes. This year’s 4/20 festival, which is a big deal for all the weed lovers out there, was straight-up trash. And guess what? It was the worst in five whole years, according to MJ BIZ. That’s some serious bad juju for the industry, ya feel me? The Marijuana Industry Group in Denver is freakin’ alarmed by this shit. Sales are down, businesses are shutting down left and right, and folks are losing their jobs. … Read more “Mad Kush, Few Hustlers: Colorado Puts Up with Weakest 4/20 Sales in Half a Decade”

Study Shows 14% Be Blazin’ That Weed to Heal Work Wounds, Yo

Study Shows 14% Be Blazin' That Weed to Heal Work Wounds, Yo

Yo, peeps! Check it out, this dope study was done up in Canada where they legalized weed for medical and recreational use. It found that over 14% of workers who got injured on the job used cannabis to help them recover. That’s right, fam, weed is helping people heal!

The study was done by researchers from the University of Toronto and they surveyed almost 1,200 Canadians who had gotten workers’ compensation for an injury or sickness. They talked to these peeps 18 months and 36 months after their injury, asking them about their cannabis use in the past year. They … Read more “Study Shows 14% Be Blazin’ That Weed to Heal Work Wounds, Yo”

Is Weed Messin’ With Your Pee Game?

Is Weed Messin' With Your Pee Game?

Yo, listen up! Marijuana is becoming more and more mainstream, just like alcohol. It’s becoming a regular part of people’s lives, ya feel me? But here’s the thing, just like how beer makes you wanna hit up the restroom, it turns out that cannabis might have a similar effect. Yeah, heavy use of weed might be linked to having an overactive bladder.

Now, an overactive bladder is when you gotta pee more often than usual. It includes things like waking up in the middle of the night to take a leak and not being able to hold it when you … Read more “Is Weed Messin’ With Your Pee Game?”

Which Dem Prez Hopeful Gonna Make Weed Legit? RFK Jr Could Be the Dopest Savior for the Cannabis Game

Which Dem Prez Hopeful Gonna Make Weed Legit? RFK Jr Could Be the Dopest Savior for the Cannabis Game

Yo, yo, yo! Check it out, fam! We got Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a bigshot contender for the 2024 Democratic presidential nomination, talking about legalizing weed and psychedelics if he wins that thang. And get this, he wants to tax the hell out of those substances and use the dough to set up some “healing centers.” That’s right, y’all! Places where peeps recovering from addiction can get their hands dirty and do some organic farming as a way to heal. Oh, and he’s also all about making it easier for the cannabis industry to get banking services. It’s like a … Read more “Which Dem Prez Hopeful Gonna Make Weed Legit? RFK Jr Could Be the Dopest Savior for the Cannabis Game”

Florida Advocacy Group Claps Back at Attorney General for Hatin’ on 2024 Ballot Initiative

Florida Advocacy Group Claps Back at Attorney General for Hatin' on 2024 Ballot Initiative

Yo, check it out, my peeps! Smart & Safe Florida (SSF), this dope advocacy group from Florida, been workin’ their a**es off tryna get cannabis legalized in 2024. They just dropped some bomb news about new briefs they filed with the Florida Supreme Court. Sh**’s getting real, yo!

On July 19, SSF, alongside the Medical Marijuana Business Association of Florida and the Cato Institute, came through with a new brief in response to Attorney General Ashley Moody’s challenge to their initiative. This sh** is so high profile, the Supreme Court be callin’ it a “high profile case.” You feel me?… Read more “Florida Advocacy Group Claps Back at Attorney General for Hatin’ on 2024 Ballot Initiative”

What’s the Deal with Hashish, Fam?

What's the Deal with Hashish, Fam?

Yo, listen up! We ’bout to dive into the world of hashish, a legendary substance that’s been around since ancient times. Picture this: exotic places like Tangiers, Egypt, and the far east, all with that sweet aroma of smoky clouds and a chill vibe. But hold up, what exactly is hashish and is it still a thing today?

Hashish, also known as hash, is a super strong form of cannabis that’s been used for centuries to get people high as a kite. Cannabis has been cultivated and enjoyed for thousands of years, dating all the way back to ancient civilizations … Read more “What’s the Deal with Hashish, Fam?”

Florida AG Ain’t Playin’: No Dank Times in the Sunshine State ‘Cause, Like, Weed’s Still Illegal Across the US


Yo, yo, yo! What’s crackin’, fam? It’s your boy, Dan, here to spill the tea on the latest happenings in the Sunshine State. So check it, the Attorney General of Florida, Ashley Moody, just dropped a bomb on the cannabis community. She straight up said “hell no” to recreational weed in the state. And she ain’t playin’ around, bruh.

Let me break it down for you. Moody and her crew just presented a document to the state Supreme Court, tryna stop a marijuana legalization proposal from hitting the 2024 ballot. But she ain’t alone on this one. The Florida Chamber … Read more “Florida AG Ain’t Playin’: No Dank Times in the Sunshine State ‘Cause, Like, Weed’s Still Illegal Across the US”

Homie Invents Lit AF Lemonade with THC to Ease His Mama’s Alzheimer’s Struggles

Homie Invents Lit AF Lemonade with THC to Ease His Mama's Alzheimer's Struggles

Yo, peep this, fam! There’s this dude from Massachusetts named Omari Anderson who straight up came up with an alternative to THC for his mom’s Alzheimer’s. This dope product called The Best Dirty Lemonade can now be copped at dispensaries all over the state. Let me tell you how it all went down.

So back in 2013, Omari’s mom, Jacquelin Rickerby-Anderson, aka Lady J, got hit with that early-onset Alzheimer’s at only 53 years old. That ain’t easy to deal with, ya feel me? But Omari saw the changes in his mom’s behavior and wasn’t completely shocked when she got … Read more “Homie Invents Lit AF Lemonade with THC to Ease His Mama’s Alzheimer’s Struggles”

Can’t Get No Fed Aid: Floods Be Messin’ with Vermont’s Weed Biz

Can't Get No Fed Aid: Floods Be Messin' with Vermont's Weed Biz

Yo, peeps! It’s ya boy Dan comin’ at ya with some news from the east coast and the west coast. So check it, while the west coast is gettin’ ready to sweat their butts off in the summer heatwave, the east coast is drownin’ in heavy rain. And let me tell you, it ain’t lookin’ too good for the cannabis businesses out in Monteplier, Vermont, ya feel me?

So, this chick named Lauren Andrews, who owns Capital Cannabis on Main Street, had to spend a whole lotta days cleanin’ up her dispensary after the floods hit. She was hopin’ to … Read more “Can’t Get No Fed Aid: Floods Be Messin’ with Vermont’s Weed Biz”

NC Med Weed Bill Probably Toast for 2023

NC Med Weed Bill Probably Toast for 2023

Yo, peeps! Check it out, there’s some big news in North Carolina. They were talkin’ ’bout legalizin’ medical marijuana, but it looks like the bill ain’t gonna make it this year. House Speaker Tim Moore was all like, “Nah, we ain’t got enough support from our Republican crew to pass it.” Apparently, the House Republicans got a rule that says a bill gotta have the support of a majority of their members before it can even be voted on. Even if the Democrats are down with it, it still ain’t gonna happen without enough Republicans on board.

Moore had a … Read more “NC Med Weed Bill Probably Toast for 2023”