Dis State’s Medikush Patient Count Skyrocketed 71% in 2 Years

Dis State's Medikush Patient Count Skyrocketed 71% in 2 Years

Yo what’s good, dis ya boi Dan here and I’m here to tell y’all about a sicc development in The Sunshine State. Word on da street is dat the numba of registered medical marijuana patients has skyrocketed 71% in jus two years! Dat’s right, from 455,425 regis’d MMJ patients in 2020 to 779,465 at da end of 2022. An’ if dat wasn’t enough, the numba of registered physicians who can issue certifications went from 107 to 1,725.

But get this – da numbas just keep climbin’! Patient count recently hit 788,633 as of February 10 and the numba of registered … Read more “Dis State’s Medikush Patient Count Skyrocketed 71% in 2 Years”

Water Roots In Reverse: Cannabis

Water Roots In Reverse: Cannabis

Ayy wassup fam, Dan here, with the 411 on reverse waterin’ yer plants. It’s a tricky mission, but I’m here to help y’all get it done right.

First off, ya best be gettin’ into a routine with watering yer plants. Checking ’em once or twice a week and givin’ ’em water only when they need it ain’t the way to go homies. Ya wanna make sure those plants have all the water they need, when they need it, to grow and bud out phat – so ya better be monitorin’ those pots.

Usually, peeps be waterin’ from the top down. … Read more “Water Roots In Reverse: Cannabis”

Bess Marijuana Strains fo’ Fibromyalgia in 2023 – Reviewin’ da Bess High-CBD Medical Marijuana Strains

Bess Marijuana Strains fo' Fibromyalgia in 2023 - Reviewin' da Bess High-CBD Medical Marijuana Strains

Yo, what’s good? Y’all know me, Dan. I’m here ta let y’all know ’bout the newest thang in medical marijuana. Yup, it’s the year 2023 and the best marijuana strains fo’ fibromyalgia have been identified. Now y’all can get a piece of da action and get yerself treated wit da best high-CBD medical marijuana strains.

Been ’round fo’ centuries, marijuana has been used fo’ its medicinal properties. Da ancient Chinese were da first ones ta use it, then came da Mayans, da ancient Indians, and many other civilizations dat followed. But fast forward to today, medical marijuana strains are bein … Read more “Bess Marijuana Strains fo’ Fibromyalgia in 2023 – Reviewin’ da Bess High-CBD Medical Marijuana Strains”

Italian Court Gives Hemp Thumbs Up

Italian Court Gives Hemp Thumbs Up

Y’all better get ready for this one! This month, Italy’s Lazio Regional Administrative Court did the unthinkable: it overturned a decree that deemed hemp leaves and flowers to be narcotics. That’s right – this ruling means a huge break for the country’s hemp and CBD industry, allowing them to move and operate more freely, without fear of regulatory interference. This decision also means that Italy’s national law no longer conflicts the European Union’s Court of Justice ruling from 2020, which stated that CBD is not a narcotic and member states can’t restrict the free movement of CBD products. Booyah!

But … Read more “Italian Court Gives Hemp Thumbs Up”

Maneuverin’ Yo Workforce wit Cannabis HR

Maneuverin' Yo Workforce wit Cannabis HR

What’s poppin’ y’all! Dan here, comin’ atcha with some hot tips on how to maneuver yo workforce with cannabis HR. Whether you’re a grower, processor, dispensary or any type of cannabusiness, you know there’s been a lot of growth in the legal cannabis market. And that means there’s an even bigger need for trusty, knowledgeable staff.

So how do you make sure you’re gettin’ the most outta yo workforce? By hittin’ up cannabis HR! Cannabis HR is the wave of the future and you gotta stay ahead of the game if you want to succeed in this biz.

Here’s the … Read more “Maneuverin’ Yo Workforce wit Cannabis HR”

UA Fam Rollin’ Out Expungement Clinic

UA Fam Rollin' Out Expungement Clinic

As UA Fam roll out their expungement clinic, it’s a reminder of the power that young people have to make a real difference. The students from the James E. Rogers School of Law are taking a stand for those affected by outdated cannabis laws, ’cause no one should be held back just because of a charge from years ago.

These students don’t play around when it comes to getting people their records cleared. They’ve got their process down pat and make sure folks can get out the door with their petition taken care of. No ID necessary, they just need … Read more “UA Fam Rollin’ Out Expungement Clinic”

4 Hot Fire Weed Trim Scizzors for Every Bag

4 Hot Fire Weed Trim Scizzors for Every Bag

Yo, what’s good fam? It’s ya boi Dan here with the 411 on some hot fire weed trim scizzors for ya bag. Now look, if you a reup then ya know it’s essential to have da goods. And when it comes to growing da greens, trimming da buds is key. But to get that high-grade fire, you need da right tools. Ain’t no point in smokin’ dank buds if they been trimmed wrong. Da trichomes – the smell, da taste, da effect – all come from the outside of the leaves and buds. So whether you’re a small-scale grower or … Read more “4 Hot Fire Weed Trim Scizzors for Every Bag”

Gettin’ Lit: How to Switch Yo Career Up and Blaze the Cannabis Trail

Gettin' Lit: How to Switch Yo Career Up and Blaze the Cannabis Trail


What’s up, Dan here and I’m here to tell you about gettin’ lit and switchin’ yo career up. If you’re lookin’ for a new path, the cannabis trail is one of the hottest paths to blaze right now.

The cannabis industry is booming, and there are plenty of opportunities for those who are pioneering the way. From cultivation, to retail, to manufacturing, to processing, the cannabis industry has something for everyone. If you’re thinkin’ about switchin’ your career up and joinin’ the cannabis trail, then you’re in luck!

To make sure that you make the most out of this … Read more “Gettin’ Lit: How to Switch Yo Career Up and Blaze the Cannabis Trail”

Side Effects of Edibles & How To Dial ‘Em Down

SidEffects of Weedies & How To Dial 'Em Down

Yo, what’s up? It’s Dan here and I’ma be breaking down the side effects of cannabis edibles and what you can do to dial ’em down. Let me explain.

When you spark up, you know the feeling. That euphoric buzz that comes with the high is one of da dopest things ever. Problem is, when you eat marijuana, the effects aren’t always the same as when you blaze up. You might be feeling them stronger, faster and longer than you want – and they don’t always feel so good.

It’s all cuz of THC, yo. THC is the active ingredient … Read more “Side Effects of Edibles & How To Dial ‘Em Down”

Growin’ Sativa Indoors: A Guide

Growin' Sativa Indoors: A Guide

Yo, what’s up fam! Dan here with the inside scoop on growin’ sativa indoors. Y’all heard of it, but don’t really know what it takes to pull it off? I gotchu covered. Let’s dive in.

First things first, you wanna make sure you got the setup. It don’t have to be much, but you gotta think strategically. You need to figure out the size of your grow space, making sure it’s big enough for what type of crop you want to end up with. This also means gettin’ yo self some LED or fluorescent lights, a timer and a fan, … Read more “Growin’ Sativa Indoors: A Guide”