Weed Vendin’ Machine Labelin’ Bags & Droppin’ Heat in Colorado City

Weed Vendin' Machine Labelin' Bags & Droppin' Heat in Colorado City

Whatup, whatup! My name’s Dan and I’m here to tell y’all about the new weed vendin’ machine labelin’ bags and droppin’ heat in Colorado City. It’s a real game-changer for all you marijuana lovers out there. Y’all know what I’m sayin’?

I’m sure all you cannabis connoisseurs have heard about the new weed vending machine labelin’ bags and droppin’ heat in Colorado City. Well, here’s the deal: it’s basically like a typical vending machine, but instead of snacks and drinks, it’s filled with all kinds of legal marijuana products. This means no more waiting on the line at your local … Read more “Weed Vendin’ Machine Labelin’ Bags & Droppin’ Heat in Colorado City”

Cannabis Market Crash Aftershock – ‘Burbs and Cities Prep for Plummetin’ Weed Tax Loot

Cannabis Market Crash Aftershock - 'Burbs and Cities Prep for Plummetin' Weed Tax Loot

Yo, what’s good fam? This ya boy Dan comin’ atcha with another joint about the latest news. Y’all heard ’bout the cannabis market crash and all its aftershocks? Well, it’s been causing some serious damage throughout the burbs and cities.

The weed tax loot been plummetin’, and folks everywhere are strugglin’ to make ends meet. The green gold prices been droppin’ like crazy and it’s causin’ serious disruption, lemme tell ya. But with every crisis comes an opportunity, so some cities and burbs out there been preparin’ for the aftermath of the market crash, tryna make the best outta a … Read more “Cannabis Market Crash Aftershock – ‘Burbs and Cities Prep for Plummetin’ Weed Tax Loot”

8 Benefits of Stackin’ CBD & Vapin’ for Health & Wellness

8 Benefits of Stackin' CBD & Vapin' for Health & Wellness

Yo, what up fam? It’s ya boy Dan, comin’ atcha with da truth about stackin’ CBD and vapin’ for health and wellness. Now, if you’re like me, you probably been doin’ yo research and peepin’ what’s out there on the health benefits of stackin’ CBD and vapin’. So, I figured I’d give you da low down on what I’m seein’ out there.

First off, let’s start with da basics. Stackin’ is tha process of combinin’ two substances together to create a more powerful effect. In this case, we’re talkin’ about stackin’ CBD and vaporizin’ it as a means of gettin’ … Read more “8 Benefits of Stackin’ CBD & Vapin’ for Health & Wellness”

Puttin Out Ya Spliff 4 Later

Puttin Out Ya Spliff 4 Later

Ayoo Dan here, and let me tell you about puttin out ya spliff 4 later. Ya know, there’s something about the feeling of saving a joint for a chill time that can’t be beat. But you gotta know how to do it right or else you’ll be wastin your bud like it ain’t nothin. So listen up while I school ya on how to do it proper.

First off, if you puttin out ya spliff 4 later, ya gotta make sure you got the right supplies. Ya gonna need some papers, maybe some fresh stash, and some kind of container … Read more “Puttin Out Ya Spliff 4 Later”

6 Sickest Low-Stress Training Clips, Wires, and Ties for Home Growers

6 Sickest Low-Stress Training Clips, Wires, and Ties for Home Growers

Yo what’s good? This is Dan and I gots to talk ’bout the sickest low-stress training clips, wires and ties for home growers. Whether you’re a seasoned grower or just getting into it, this list will help you get the lay of the land.

First up, we gots the Sea of Green or SOG clips. These bad boys gonna keep your buds nice and short. They come in a variety of sizes, so they can fit your needs no matter what. Plus, they’re real easy to attach, so you don’t gotta worry ’bout getting it right the first time.

Next … Read more “6 Sickest Low-Stress Training Clips, Wires, and Ties for Home Growers”

Vapin’ Cannabis 101

Vapin' Cannabis 101

Ay yo whaddup, its ya boy Dan, and I’m here to school y’all on the fastest risin’ trend in the hood: vapin’ cannabis. Now, whether y’all knew it or not, vapin’ cannabis is the latest craze. Yeah, I’m talkin’ bout dat herb getting toasted in a vaporizer. Now, you might think its just like smokin’ a J, but there’s actually a bit more to it than that. So I’m gonna tell y’all what its all about and what y’all need to know to get started.

First off, why should ya boy Dan be telling y’all bout vapin’? Well, a few … Read more “Vapin’ Cannabis 101”

Gettin’ Creative with Ganja: Did Da Greats Spark Up to Make Their Masterpieces?

Gettin' Creative with Ganja: Did Da Greats Spark Up to Make Their Masterpieces?

Yo, wassup ya’ll it’s ya boy Dan back at it again with another article about the ganja. Now some of ya’ll know I’m always down for some creatin’, but have you ever wondered if da greats got down with some sparkin’ up to get their creative juices flowin’?

I’m not gonna lie, I think it’s a legit possibility. Just look at some of the greats like Bob Marley, Jimi Hendrix and even Miles Davis. All these guys coulda been sparkin’ up way back when they were churnin’ out all the smooth jams we still bump today.

I mean, it makes … Read more “Gettin’ Creative with Ganja: Did Da Greats Spark Up to Make Their Masterpieces?”

10 Cinch Tips To Combat Weed-Induced Fatigue

10 Cinch Tips To Combat Weed-Induced Fatigue

Yo whaddup Dan here, comin’ at ya with some tips to help ya combat weed-induced fatigue.

Gettin’ tired after smokin’ a blunt? Ain’t nobody got time for dat. So check out these 10 cinch tips to help you keep your energy up after lightin’ up.

1. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! This is one of the most important things you can do after sparking that seshes. Keep that water close to you so you can stay quenched throughout your buzz and avoid getting dehydrated. Sippin’ on H2O will also help regulate your internal temperature, so you can stay cool when the heat … Read more “10 Cinch Tips To Combat Weed-Induced Fatigue”

Roscommon County Resident Jailed for Growing Cannabis

Roscommon County Resident Jailed for Growing Cannabis

A man from Lithuania residing in Roscommon County has been jailed for one year due to growing cannabis plants in his indoor grow room. The man spoke of how he learned to grow by watching YouTube videos about growing cannabis, and how his sister loaned him money to purchase seeds and indoor growing equipment.

Roscommon Circuit Court heard Roscommon County resident Daivaras Petrauska, who told Gardaí he created an indoor cannabis grow house in the town of Boyle, in order to have a personal supply for his own usage.

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Mold in Michigan Cannabis Causes Recalls

Mold in Michigan Cannabis Causes Recalls

According to Michigan state officials from LARA on January 11, 2019, 15 strains (or varieties) of cannabis sold at The Green Mile Detroit and at Compassionate Care by Design (Kalamazoo) failed testing due to molds, yeast and chemical residues. As a result Michigan state officials issued two health and safety advisories for cannabis consumers.

Later that day an additional four strains of cannabis sold HG Lansing were recalled due to similar mold and bacteria problems. We interviewed expert cannabis grower Jared Cox of Mold Resistant Strains for input on mold issues:

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