Yo, learn how to whip up some dank weed popsicles at home!

Yo, learn how to whip up some dank weed popsicles at home!

Yo, what’s up my fellow weed enthusiasts! I know y’all love getting high in any way possible, and what better way to do it than with some delicious weed-infused ice lollies? It’s not just for the summer days, homies. You can have these iced treats any time, any where. And lucky for y’all, I’m about to share two easy-to-make recipes with you so you can have your freezer full of fruity perfection to cool you down and get you high, or medicated.

First things first, to make these icy delights you’re gonna need a blender or food processor of some kind, a knife and cutting board, a measuring cup, popsicle molds to make twelve ice lollies – don’t be stingy now – and some freezer space. Let’s get into the recipes!

Recipe for a fresh and fruity ice popsicle:

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If y’all don’t like creamy ices but instead enjoy the taste of fruit and nothing but the fruit, give this recipe a spin:


– 2½ cups of your favorite fruit or a combination: Strawberries, in fact all berries – blackberries, blueberries, raspberries – mangoes, kiwis—oh, and lychees are interesting. Oranges, lemons, and limes if you like them citrus-sour. The fruit world overflows with flavor and color.

– 1½ cups of something wet: Things need to be liquid to be poured into the ice molds for refrigeration. Water, sweetened water, coconut water, fruit juice, kombucha or even flat lemonade all lubricate this joint well.

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– 1 tablespoon of something sweet: Honey or sugar, maple syrup or glucose. Go with your flow; you know what you like – maybe even none; maybe even more! It’s all good.

– 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract: Not just a subtle background flavor – vanilla has the peculiar property of giving things “body” and a good mouthfeel.

– Your choice of cannabinoid-infused edible tincture: It is important to know what you are aiming for. Make sure you know the strength of the product you are using. Or if you are using a homemade product, be sure to have knowledge of how strong your home-brew is. 10mg of THC or more per ice popsicle is gonna have powerful effects; 5mg is probably a good place to start. Just remember this recipe is for twelve lollies so that’s 60mg for the whole recipe just to err on the side of caution.


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1. Clean and trim your fruit. You just want the luscious, meaty parts so remove all the rest. Then dice the flesh up into blender-friendly chunks.

2. Put everything in a blender or food processor and blend it up until it is an even pure.

3. Pour the puree into the molds.

4. Place in the freezer.

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Recipe for a creamy fruit ice popsicle:

If your palate likes that silky glide of a melting creamy ice popsicle infused with your favorite fruit then this recipe is for you:


– 2½ cups of your favorite fruit that goes well with creamy flavors: Any choice of the whole berry family – strawberries, raspberries or blueberries – mangoes or bananas. Remember mangoes even shorten the onset time of the high. Avoid tart fruits like apples and highly acidic citrus fruits as they will curdle the mix.

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– 1½ cups of something creamy: Coconut cream, yogurt, dairy or any nut or seed milk. These all provide that creamy texture that offsets the natural sweetness of the fruit.

– 1 tablespoon of something sweet: Sugar or honey, maple syrup or palm sugar. Each brings their own little flavor sensation – or nothing at all if you prefer it all natural – or even more for all those people out there with a sweet tooth.

– 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract: It really does enhance and sweeten flavours without being obtrusive.

– Your choice of cannabinoid-infused edible tincture: Let’s repeat things here for due diligence. Be aware of the strength of the tincture you are using. Digested THC can be powerful stuff so 5mg per ice pop or 60mg per batch spread over twelve treats is a good place to start. Feel free to ramp things up or down next time you make this recipe (or the other one).


1. Clean and trim your fruit. You only ever want the luscious meaty parts so always remove the rest then dice the pulp into blender-friendly chunks.

2. Place all ingredients in blender or food processor and pulse them up until everything becomes a smooth puree.

3. Pour puree into molds.

4. Place in freezer.

There ya go fam! Two cannabinoid-infused recipes for delicious icy treats made right at home! Enjoy!

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