Wassup with that Cannabis CRC Extracts, bruh?

Wassup with that Cannabis CRC Extracts, bruh?Yo, what’s good fam? It’s your boy Dan coming at you with some knowledge about that sticky icky. You know what I’m talking about, cannabis. Nowadays, it’s legal in a bunch of states, like 40 of ’em! And guess what? The DEA might even reschedule it soon. That means more people are gonna have access to this green goodness.

But yo, the way people consume cannabis has changed, man. Smoking used to be the go-to method, but now vaping and edibles are takin’ over. Just like alcohol, there are all kinds of ways to enjoy that Mary Jane. And one of those ways is CRC, my dudes.

Now, you might be wondering, what the heck is CRC? Well, let me break it down for you. CRC stands for color remediation column. It’s a fancy type of cannabis extract made using a process called column chromatography. Basically, it’s used to make the extract look lighter and more appealing to the eye. You know how people judge things by their looks? Well, it’s the same with cannabis extracts.

CRC was originally used to get rid of dark-colored substances leftover from low-quality extraction. It was a sign that the stuff was trash. But then someone had the bright idea to use CRC to make extracts look danker. And now, both legal and shady manufacturers are using CRC to enhance the appearance of their products.

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But yo, CRC ain’t just about looks anymore. It’s evolved, man. Now it’s also used to get rid of pesticides and other unwanted stuff in the extracts. So you can smoke or vape or eat your cannabis without worrying about any nasty flavors or chemicals messing with your high.

The most common type of extract that undergoes CRC is butane hash oil. You know that stuff that can be as dark as night? Well, after it goes through CRC, it can turn into a beautiful light gold or even white. It’s like magic, man.

So how does this whole CRC extraction thing work? Well, it’s like a science experiment, bro. You take a steel cylinder, called a column, and pack it with some filtering medium. There are all kinds of stuff you can use like activated bleaching earth, activated carbon, activated silica gel, and more. These mediums help remove color-impacting pollutants and other impurities from the extract.

But here’s the downside, my dudes. When you use CRC, it also strips the extract of its terpene content. Terpenes are what give cannabis its smell and flavor. So if you come across an extract that smells chemically or overly fruity or earthy, it’s a sign that it might have gone through CRC. Manufacturers sometimes try to add terpenes back in to make up for it, but it ain’t the same as the original.

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Now, I know some of you might be wondering if CRC wax is safe to smoke or vape. Well, that’s a hot debate right now. Manufacturers who use CRC will tell you it’s all good, but cannabis consumer advocates ain’t so sure.

The thing is, lab tests for cannabis products don’t currently test for residual filtration mediums used in CRC. So even if a product has gone through CRC, it could still have contaminants in it. And that’s not cool, man.

Some people are worried about the safety of CRC wax for a few reasons. First off, there’s no regulation or testing for the filtration mediums used in the final product. That means there could be some sketchy stuff in there without anyone knowing.

Plus, long-term exposure to certain materials used in CRC processing can mess with your respiratory health. Like bentonite clay and diatomaceous earth can do some damage if you inhale ’em. And let’s not forget that bentonite clay can have elevated levels of lead. That’s definitely not what you want in your lungs, bro.

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Oh, and here’s the kicker. Manufacturers say the filtration mediums are safe because the FDA said so. But get this, the FDA only approved them for ingested food products, not for stuff you’re inhaling into your lungs. So it’s a different ball game, my dudes.

And if that wasn’t enough, some manufacturers might not even do CRC properly. If they push too much extract through the filtration medium at once, it can lead to contaminants in the final product. And that’s just nasty, man.

So what’s the bottom line? If you’re worried about contaminants in your cannabis concentrates, ask your budtender if the product has undergone CRC. And find out what kind of filtration methods were used. It’s better to be safe than sorry, my friends.

Alright, that’s enough knowledge for one day. Stay lifted and keep it real, fam. This is Dan signing off. Peace out!

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