The Prez Debate Mighta Boosted Weed

The Prez Debate Mighta Boosted WeedYo, wassup y’all? It’s ya boy Dan coming atcha with the latest scoop on the prez debate and how it might be boostin’ up da weed game. So, we all know dat da presidential debate been takin’ over da news cycle fo’ like two whole weeks now, but what if I told you dat da real winner ain’t dem candidates, but it’s actually marijuana?

In a twist of fate, both dem presidential candidates agreed to switch up da debate format dis time around. Instead of da Commission on Presidential Debates runnin’ da show like usual, CNN hosted a live 90-minute debate dat had everyone talkin’. Since dat June face off, folks online and in person been buzzin’ non-stop about da results. But let me tell ya, in a surprise move, da prez debate might just be helpin’ out weed and makin’ it a big winner of da night.

So check dis out – da Biden administration been talkin’ ’bout doin’ more fo’ da marijuana industry fo’ a minute now. But it wasn’t until almost da last year of his term dat he finally made a major move. At da end of 2023, he started pushin’ federal agencies to think ’bout reschedulin’. Da FDA and HHS recommended movin’ cannabis to Schedule III, which is all ’bout drugs wit moderate to low potential fo’ physical and psychological dependence (think ketamine and steroids). But now it’s sittin’ wit da DEA, who ain’t exactly jumpin’ fo’ joy ’bout it.

Dis reschedulin’ could have a big impact on state-legal cannabis businesses and users, which is crucial fo’ weed’s success. ‘Bout 85% of folks believe marijuana should be legal in some way or another, but Congress and da Biden administration been draggin’ they feet. But when you got dem young voters lookin’ at weed along wit political and economic issues, it’s an easy win.

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Now, even though things movin’ kinda slow, there’s still uncertainty hangin’ ’round. Da DEA currently collectin’ feedback and ain’t exactly thrilled ’bout it. Some congress members even tryna stop da change from happenin’. But yo, medical community standin’ behind dis reschedulin’.

Once da DEA put out they proposed rule, it gotta get reviewed by da White House Office of Management and Budget. If dey give it da thumbs up, den it’ll go through a public comment period. But word is, da DEA could just cut straight to da chase and reschedule cannabis wit a final order. Dat mean we could see dis change go into effect just 30 days after gettin’ published in da Federal Register.

Da current administration really need a win wit dem young voters to stay relevant. Dis move could help ’em show some strength and make some solid decisions goin’ forward. So keep an eye out fo’ how dis all plays out in da end, ’cause weed might just be gettin’ a major boost thanks to dat prez debate hustle.

3 thoughts on “The Prez Debate Mighta Boosted Weed”

  1. Yo dis debate had me thinkin, if they talkin bout weed, maybe folks gon see how it help us out. We need more voices in the game, ya feel me?

  2. Yo this debate was lit, had folks talkin bout weed like it was normal. Ain’t no shame in that game, we need to keep pushin for what we want.


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