Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) Be Boostin’ That Potency, Terps, and Yield, Ya Heard?

Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) Be Boostin' That Potency, Terps, and Yield, Ya Heard?

Yo, what’s good, it’s ya boy Dan, and I’m here to tell you about how to boost your organic weed without sacrificing potency or yield. You feel me? Organic and veganic grows are getting real popular. We all about that chemical-free lifestyle, right? But some growers be worried that going organic means sacrificing those designer bud enhancers and THC boosters. But I’m here to tell you that lactic acid bacteria (LAB) may actually work even better.

So, let me break it down for you. Lactic acid bacteria is a group of food-safe microorganisms used to make yoghurt, pickles, and other fermented foods. These bacteria are safe for you and your plants. In fact, you already have them in your digestive tract, and doctors recommend adding a probiotic supplement containing LABs if you have ongoing stomach problems. Eating yoghurt (probiotic food) on the reg helps too.

When added to soil, LABs can increase trichome and terpene production. That’s right, scientific research backs this up – check out The Plant Journal and Frontiers in Plant Science if you don’t believe me. As they digest sugars, these bacteria create a byproduct called hexanoate, which cannabis plants use to produce terpenes and cannabinoids. So, by adding more hexanoate, you provide the building blocks for more terpenes and theoretically more THC. Plus, using LABs can also make organic fertilisers more bioavailable and prevent disease by suppressing bad fungi and bacteria. This means bigger, healthier cannabis plants that yield more.

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Now, let me tell you how to add LAB to your grow. If you’re growing organically and using the no-till method, your soil probably already has some LABs in it. These bacteria are everywhere, even in the air, so as leaves and other matter reach the surface and start to decay, they’ll be introduced to your soil. Most of the LABs in your soil can be found within 15cm of the surface. But, if you want to give it a try, you can add lactic acid bacteria serum (LABS) to water and spray it on the soil or directly on the plants.

But, listen up, there are a few things you should avoid when using LABs. First of all, don’t apply salt-based chemical fertilisers to your soil. They will kill most of your beneficial microbes while allowing some of the harmful ones to survive. Plus, avoid disturbing the soil as much as possible. The largest amount of LAB will be just beneath the surface, and exposing them to UV light can kill them. That’s also why you should only apply lactic acid bacteria at night or right before you turn your lights off.

So, where can you get LABs? You can culture your own lactic acid bacteria serum using mostly items you probably already have at home. Here’s what you need:

– 340g rice

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– 240ml water

– 1 litre organic milk (commercial milk may contain antibiotics)

– Wide-mouth glass jars

– Cheesecloth(s)

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– Rubber band

– Paper bag

– Clear pitcher

First, put equal amounts water and rice in a jar. Shake well, then strain through cheesecloth into the second jar. The water should be milky-looking. Cover the jar with a fresh piece of cheesecloth and secure with a rubber band. Place the jar in a paper bag or wrap it with a cloth to seal out the light. Let the jar sit in a warm, dark place for 2-3 days if the temperature stays in the 25–30°C range. Pour the fermenting rice water into a clear pitcher, straining through a clean piece of cheesecloth. Cover the pitcher with more cheesecloth and secure with a rubber band or the pitcher top. Put the pitcher in a paper bag or wrap it with cloth to seal out the light. Place it in a cool, dark place and check once a day until you see three distinct layers form. Scoop out the top layer (the curd) and discard. The serum (the whey) will be the middle layer that has a clear, yellow colour. Slowly pour off the serum into a clean jar, straining through cheesecloth again. Be careful not to mix in any of the bottom (sediment) layer. Seal the jar loosely so gas produced by the ongoing fermentation can escape. Refrigerate.

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This serum is alive, so dilute it by adding 30ml to 1 litre of dechlorinated water and add to spray bottles. One batch of serum can make up to 500 litres of spray. If you can’t refrigerate your serum, you can stabilise it by adding an equal part of molasses or brown sugar to the mix.

So, there you have it, folks – how to boost your organic weed with lactic acid bacteria. Don’t let anyone tell you that going organic means sacrificing potency or yield. LABs got your back.

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