Keep Them Rats and Mice Away from Your Mary Jane: Tips on Guarding Your Weed Plants

Keep Them Rats and Mice Away from Your Mary Jane: Tips on Guarding Your Weed Plants

Yo, what’s good, growers? I’m Dan, and today we’re talking about how to protect your weed plants from those pesky mice and rats. You may be all set to handle aphids and leaf miners, but are you ready for these rodents? They can easily munch on your seedlings and chew up your stems, leaving your plants in shambles. Ain’t nobody got time for that! So, let me school you on how to prevent and deal with a rodent infestation.

First things first, let’s talk about the threat these rodents pose. As growers, we already know about the potential damage that aphids and spider mites can cause to our precious plants. However, rats and mice can do just as much harm. These little critters will feast on anything they can find, including your cannabis plants. They’ll eat through your seedlings and grind down their ever-growing teeth on woody stems. Not cool!

Rats have a bad rep – they’re considered dirty creatures that carry diseases. But in nature, they play an important role in maintaining the health of grasslands and forests. However, when they start gnawing on your cannabis plants, all bets are off! They are quick to devour root vegetables and squashes as well.

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Mice, on the other hand, are smaller but far more prolific than rats. They make their nests in burrows and can give birth to up to 16 pups at once! Just like rats, they won’t hesitate to take a bite out of your fresh seedling leaves or gnaw on your cannabis stems.

The damage inflicted by these rodents can range from minor wounds to complete destruction, depending on the size of the infestation and the age of your plant during the attack. Seedlings stand no chance against these pests and require extra protection.

So how do you know if you have a rodent problem? Look out for gnawed stems, chewed buds, mouse or rat droppings near plants, and mouse burrows in your soil or lawn.

If you’ve already missed your chance to prevent an infestation (more on that later), it’s time to take action before they inflict more damage. Here are a few ways to deal with your long-tailed problem:

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-Unleash Your Feline: Cats and rodents don’t exactly get along. Cats use their extraordinary senses and reflexes to stalk, run, and pounce on mice and rats. Unless you don’t mind cleaning up after them, this is best reserved for outdoor infestations.

-Humane Traps: These traps lure rodents into a cage or container without killing them. While this option is easier on the conscience, it leaves you with a live rodent that you need to move far away from your premises to prevent it from coming back.

-Deadly Traps: If things have spiralled out of control in your garden, there are various deadly rodent traps available – from spring-action metal bars to electronic traps that are quick and clean.

-Rat Poison: Rodenticide products use chemicals like bromethalin, cholecalciferol, zinc phosphide, and strychnine to dispatch mice and rats. Although effective, these poisons are highly dangerous to pets, children, and adults.

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Now let’s talk about prevention – because it’s always better than a cure! Here are some ways to avoid an infestation:

-Compost Properly: Mice and rats are attracted to grains, bread, meat, fish, eggs, and dairy products. To avoid making your compost bin a safe haven for rodents, restrict certain materials – stick to vegetable scraps and garden waste.

-Remove Bird Feeders: While hanging bird feeders in your garden seems like a great idea at first (who doesn’t like watching birds?), the extra calories will attract rodents too!

-Remove Water Sources: Much like us humans, rats and mice are made up mostly of water – mice can survive off 3ml/day while rats need up to 60ml. To minimise the chances of an infestation in the first place, remove bird baths and empty containers collecting rainwater.

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-Keep Things Tidy: Rodents prefer covered areas to travel in – so inadvertently provide safe passage by leaving things lying around in your garden. Keep it clean to keep those furry foes away!

Remember that rodents aren’t the only critters that will munch on your weed plants – deer, rabbits, even pets can do serious damage if given the chance! So physical barriers like fencing and netting are necessary protection against larger mammals.

With this newfound knowledge, you should be able to cruise through the next growing season with minimal interference from hungry beasts! Protecting your plants from rodents is just one step towards perfecting your cannabis grow game – stay tuned for more tips from yours truly!

1 thought on “Keep Them Rats and Mice Away from Your Mary Jane: Tips on Guarding Your Weed Plants”

  1. Yo, this info solid! Aint nobody tryna see they hard work get munched up by no rodents. Gotta keep them pesky critters outta the garden fo sho.


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