7 Hacks to Spot Top-Shelf CBD Oil

7 Hacks to Spot Top-Shelf CBD Oil

Yo, what’s good? It’s your boy Dan, and today we’re talking about that CBD game. You know what I’m talking about, that green stuff that’s been blowing up lately. Ever since the Farm Bill passed in 2018, we’ve seen the CBD market grow like crazy. In fact, back in 2015, the market only made $202 million, but by 2016 it grew to $688 million. That’s some serious cheddar right there. And you know what? It ain’t gonna stop, baby. Some financial experts think that by 2025, the market could grow another 20-23%.

Now don’t get too hyped up yet because even though this is exciting news, you gotta remember that the cannabis industry is still unregulated. That means some companies out there might try to sell you some low-quality or unsafe products just to make a quick buck. So listen up and do your research, cuz CBD oil ain’t cheap!

I got you though, fam. Today I’m gonna give you seven tips on how to spot high-grade CBD oil so you can have the best experience possible.

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1. Check the Color

First off, let me tell ya that not all CBD oil is created equal. You need to make sure it’s extracted using the supercritical and/or subcritical CO2 method. But that doesn’t mean it’s automatically pure. There are three types of CBD oil out there:

– Raw: This stuff is almost black or dark green cuz they haven’t purified it at all. You’re gonna get terpenes and chlorophyll along with other plant parts in this one.

– Decarboxylated: This is basically raw oil but they’ve activated the compounds so it’s a little better for ya.

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– Filtered: This is the way most people consume it. It’s been filtered and purified until it’s a lovely golden color. This is the good stuff, like a fine whiskey or vodka that’s been triple distilled for purity.

2. Check the Hemp Source

Now, this is important because where and how the hemp was grown affects the quality of the oil. You want to look for hemp sourced from Colorado, Denmark, Kentucky, Germany, the Netherlands, or other Scandinavian countries. And not just any hemp, but make sure it’s grown under “food” conditions. Otherwise, you might be consuming some toxic substances.

3. How Is It Manufactured?

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There are a few ways to extract CBD from hemp, such as CO2 extraction, alcohol extraction, and olive oil. But CO2 supercritical extraction is considered the best method cuz it gently extracts the compounds without damaging them and there’s little risk of contamination. On the other hand, alcohol extraction is cheaper but might contain residue if they don’t filter it properly.

4. Is It Extracted Using Supercritical CO2?

Most reputable brands use supercritical CO2 extraction because it produces high-quality extracts. They either use supercritical, mid-critical, or subcritical methods to extract the compounds. Generally speaking, these methods are similar in that they place the hemp material in an extraction chamber that slowly fills with carbon dioxide until it becomes infused with CBD. Then they purify it until they’re satisfied with its purity.

5. Independent Third-Party Testing

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Since cannabis isn’t approved by the FDA, independent third-party testing isn’t required in the CBD oil industry. That means some companies don’t do it to save money. But reputable companies pay thousands of dollars to do independent third-party lab testing to verify their products’ purity and potency. So make sure you check those lab reports before buying anything.

6. Beware of THC Content

CBD hemp oil must contain less than 0.3% THC to be legal as a food supplement in the US. THC is the psychoactive component of marijuana, but industrial hemp naturally contains low levels of it. Some manufacturers might not be open about the full ingredients of their CBD oil, so make sure you read the label and know what you’re consuming.

7. Is It Whole-Plant Extract?

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There are oils made from whole-plant hemp and oils made from isolated hemp. Whole plant hemp contains not just CBD, but also terpenes, flavonoids, and other cannabinoids like CBG, CBC, and CBG-A. Isolate CBD oils only contain pure CBD with few additional phytocannabinoids. Some research shows that whole-plant hemp oil is more effective than isolate CBD oil cuz it produces the entourage effect.

So there you have it, folks. Seven tips on how to spot high-grade CBD oil. Make sure you do your research before buying anything cuz there are some shady companies out there trying to sell you some bogus stuff. Stay safe and stay high-quality, my friends.

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