Yo, Where You Cop Them F1, F2, and F3 Weed Seeds At? Hold Up, What Even Are They?

Yo, Where You Cop Them F1, F2, and F3 Weed Seeds At? Hold Up, What Even Are They?

Yo, what’s good? If you’re thinking about breeding your own cannabis strains, then you gotta know what’s up with terms like F1, F2, and F3. It might sound confusing at first, but don’t worry, I got you. Let’s break it down.

First off, if you wanna breed some fire weed, you gotta understand genetics. It’s like puppies – the mother and father dogs are the P1 generation, and their litter of puppies is the F1 generation. The same goes for cannabis. The P1 generation is the parents, and their offspring is the F1 generation. When you crossbreed two individuals from the F1 generation, you create an F2 generation, and so on for F3, F4, and beyond.

So, what does the letter “F” stand for? It stands for “filial,” a fancy Latin word that means “the offspring of two parents.” Breeders use these labels to keep track of the number of ages a crossbreed has undergone to solidify its characteristics.

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Now let’s get into F1 seeds. In the 1970s, when Dutch seed banks began to focus on breeding, they used pure strains – landrace strains – to create hybrids like Skunk #1. These landrace strains were the original P1 generation that had evolved for thousands of years in isolation. By crossing Cannabis sativa and Cannabis indica, they created F1 hybrids that were more potent and resilient than their parents due to genetic heterosis or hybrid vigor. These F1 hybrids inherited the most prominent genes from their P1 parents.

The first F1 generation is consistent in terms of its traits. If you grew seeds of Skunk #1, you could expect all the plants to have highly potent buds that smelled like a skunk. This batch of seeds would be relatively uniform and genetically stable.

But when you cross a male and female Skunk #1 (an F1 hybrid), you generate an F2 generation. This is where things get exciting and unpredictable because genetic diversity explodes as all the traits from the P1s are recombined in unique ways. What once was a relatively uniform batch of seeds has now become a diverse mix of plants with varying heights, smells, and ripening times. Some resemble their sativa parent with their tall stature and longer ripening, while others showcase their indica heritage with their short, stocky build and fast flowering.

If you want a uniform crop of buds, then the F2 generation may not be the best choice because inconsistent traits resulting from recombination can lead to a varied yield and appearance. But for those looking to breed their cannabis, the F2 generation is where the possibilities are endless because recombination magic can lead to creating new and exciting cultivars.

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As generations continue, traits stabilize leading to a more uniform crop. With each subsequent generation like F3 and beyond, the seed’s stability continues to increase. Creating a stable strain may take several generations, but it’s worth it if you want high-potency buds consistently.

If all this seems overwhelming or you don’t have access to landrace genetics, then purchase seeds from reputable breeders with a proven track record of producing high-quality strains. By utilizing their expertise, you can step in the right direction toward creating exceptional cannabis cultivars.

A few notable breeders of hybrid seeds include Barney’s Farm, ILGM, Sweet Seeds, Blimburn, and Homegrown Cannabis Co. I recommended copping seeds from ILGM when they got their 10+10 seed deals goin’ on. There’s hardly a better deal online!

Alright homies, that’s my spiel on breeding new cannabis strains. Now go out there and create some dank buds! And if you got any more questions about cannabis seeds that you were too afraid to ask, check out my next article. Peace out!

ILGM Free Grow Bible

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