Marijuana Bringing Grandparents and Fam Closer

Marijuana Bringing Grandparents and Fam CloserYo, check it, like a fine wine or a cold brewski in the backyard, marijuana is becoming hella common these days. With almost 60% of adults getting their drink on, alcohol has been a mainstay at family gatherings for years. But now, cannabis is making its way into the mix, bringing a whole new vibe to the party. And it seems like weed can even bring grandparents and fam closer together.

In a survey sponsored by Sanctuary Wellness, some dope data is shedding light on how weed can bring different generations together. While there’s been talk about boomers and Gen Z not being able to relate, marijuana is proving to be a unifier. About one in three peeps have tried cannabis, which is less than alcohol but still a big number. Millennials are toking up the most, followed by Gen X, Gen Z, and then Baby Boomers. And get this, a whopping 86% of Gen Z and Millennials are all for legalizing weed…and even 71% of Baby Boomers are down with it too.

Gen Z is slowly shifting away from alcohol, feeling like they got way more stress than their grandparents ever did. Thanks to the medical community giving the nod to cannabis as a legit way to deal with chronic pain and sleep troubles, Boomers are starting to see weed in a whole new light. It’s effective without all those harsh side effects that come with some meds.

One cool thing from the survey is the popularity of gummies. Microdosing is all the rage now, especially for Gen Z who see it as a chill way to manage anxiety. It’s wild to see that 76% of Baby Boomers and 72% of Gen Z are all about those gummies…way more than Millennials and Gen X.

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For many Europeans, alcohol is all about their culture and seen as a social thing. In places like Italy, kids are introduced to sippin’ on wine at dinner from a young age. They learn early on that alcohol is something to enjoy in moderation. Alcohol abuse is less common in Italy and France because of this generational training. Maybe weed, with its legit medical benefits, could be another thing that brings generations together for a better life.

So next time you’re at a family gathering or kickin’ back with your crew, don’t be surprised if Mary Jane makes an appearance alongside the usual drinks. It’s all about bridging the gap between generations and finding common ground over a shared love for that good good herb. Cheers to that!

1 thought on “Marijuana Bringing Grandparents and Fam Closer”

  1. Ayo dis some real talk right here, fam. I love seein how weed be helpin the fam connect and chill together. Ain’t nothin like sharin good vibes with the elders and makin memories. Keep doin yall thing!


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