How to Keep My Furry Homies Off My Weed Plants?

How to Keep My Furry Homies Off My Weed Plants?
Yo, fam! If you got some green thumbs and you tryin’ to grow that good good, but your furry homies keep messin’ it up, you gotta know how to keep ’em away from yo weed plants. We talkin’ cats and dogs here, and they can really mess up your hard work. Diggin’, pissin’, and droppin’ bombs near your plants can stunt growth and mess with the nutrients. Plus, you don’t wanna put your pets in danger ‘cause cannabis ain’t good for them if they munch on it. So, let’s break down how to keep your garden safe while lookin’ out for your furry friends!

Fencin’ Options

Put Up A Real Fence

Aight, first things first, you need a solid fence. Chicken wire is mad cheap and does the job. Bend it to fit your garden space, but make sure you dig that bottom part like 6 inches deep so them dogs don’t dig their way in. For real, they got that instinct to dig when they smell somethin’ interesting. And yo, make that fence at least 3 feet tall! You don’t want no pets jumpin’ over and gettin’ into your precious bud.

Lay Down Chicken Wire

Another trick is to lay that chicken wire flat on the ground around your garden. Those sharp edges ain’t comfy for paws, so they’ll think twice before tryin’ to step on it. This way, you keep ‘em from gettin’ inside, no hassle.

Aesthetic Solutions

If you lookin’ for somethin’ that don’t clash with your vibes, think about a wooden fence or chain-link fence. They look nicer, plus keep the pets out. Just remember, make sure it’s tall enough—like 8 feet! You don’t want no jumpers comin’ through.

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Repellent Plants and Scents

Plant Repellent Species

Yo, you can plant some species that pets just can’t stand! Try these:

  • Citronella: That strong smell be keepin’ them away.
  • Marigolds: They smell funky to pets.
  • Lavender: Smells nice to us, but not to them.
  • Rue: Old-school repellent plant!
  • Rosemary: Strong aroma, so keep ‘em at bay.
  • Eucalyptus: Potent scent they dislike.
  • Lemongrass: Another one they avoid.

Use Natural Repellents

Grab some citrus peels and scatter ‘em around the base of your plants. Dogs and cats ain’t feelin’ that smell. Even used coffee grounds can be helpful; just sprinkle that around and it’ll keep ‘em away while makin’ the soil richer. Win-win!

Motion-Activated Devices

Yo, these gadgets be lit! You can get motion-activated sprinklers that will spray water when your pets step into the garden, scarin’ them off. Just don’t overdo it, or your plants might drown. You can also find devices that make high-frequency sounds pets hate but we can’t hear. Once they get startled, they’ll learn to stay away from your weed zone.

Trainin’ and Supervision

Train Yo Dogs

Keep it real, training is key. Use treats and praise to teach your pups to stay away from the garden. Set up a spot where they can dig and play without messin’ with your plants. This way, they can unleash their energy without causin’ havoc.

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Manage Them Cats

For the kitties stayin’ inside, keep that litter box clean so they don’t think your garden is a bathroom. If you got outdoor cats, create a separate sandy area for them to do their business. Less chance they’ll want to mess with your precious greens.

Protectin’ Yo Pets

Understand Cannabis Toxicity

Listen up, fam! Cannabis can be dangerous for pets. If they eat it, they might get lethargic, throw up, or even worse! Keep an eye out for them signs and if you think they had a taste of your stash, rush them to the vet. Better safe than sorry!

Keep Yo Stuff Outta Reach

Make sure to store all your cannabis products where your pets can’t get to ‘em. Be smart about it, yo! Educate your friends and fam about keeping pets safe from the green.


Aight, to wrap it up, keepin’ cats and dogs outta your cannabis garden ain’t just about one method; you gotta mix it up. Fences, natural repellents, and good ol’ training are all part of the game. Keep a close eye on your setup and be ready to switch things up if somethin’ ain’t workin’. By doin’ this, you’ll have a flourishing garden while keepin’ your furry pals safe. So get out there and make it happen, y’all! Happy growin’!

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