Hemp and 3D Printing – The Lit Way to Make Things Pop Off in the Future?

Hemp and 3D Printing - The Lit Way to Make Things Pop Off in the Future?

Yo, what’s good? It’s your boy Dan, and I’m here to talk about 3D printing. Now, I know what you’re thinking – “Dan, that’s old news. Been there, done that.” But hold up, because we’re talking about something new today: 3D printing with hemp.

Now, before we get into the nitty-gritty, let’s go back to 1964. That’s when Arthur C. Clarke first described how a 3D printer would work. But it wasn’t until 1987 that Chuck Hull actually created the first 3D printer. Basically, the process involves creating a three-dimensional object from a computer-aided design (CAD) model. It’s different from traditional manufacturing because instead of cutting or hollowing out a piece of metal or plastic, you’re laying down successive layers of material to form the desired object.

And let me tell you, this process is way better for the environment than subtractive manufacturing methods because it uses way less material. Plus, there are so many cool things you can make with a 3D printer – from prosthetics to eyewear to automotive parts.

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But here’s where things get even cooler – people are now using hemp as a material for 3D printing. See, the problem with traditional plastic filaments is that they’re an environmental hazard. So companies are looking for alternatives that are more eco-friendly and sustainable.

That’s where hemp comes in. It’s a plant that can be grown in many U.S. states thanks to the Farm Bill of 2018. And not only is it better for the planet – it can also be printed with PLA using standard PLA settings. Plus, because it’s not dyed, you end up with natural colors.

One company called 3D Fuel was one of the first to create a hemp-based 3D printing filament called “Entwined.” It’s made from American-grown hemp and you can see the natural brown color – no dye needed. Plus, it has visible bio-fill, which is pretty sick.

The printing properties of hemp filament are pretty similar to those of PLA – it’s odorless, which is great for indoor printing, and it doesn’t require a heated bed. Plus, because it’s biodegradable, you can feel good about using it for daily prototyping.

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And get this – people are even talking about using hemp filament to print entire houses. That’s right, the 3D printing construction market is growing like crazy. In 2017, it was worth $70 million per year. But by 2026, experts predict it could be worth $51.77 billion!

The benefits of 3D printing in construction are huge – it’s faster, cheaper, and produces less waste. Plus, you can create complicated designs that would be impossible with traditional manufacturing methods.

One company called Mirreco is dedicated to finding environmentally friendly ways to construct buildings. They’ve developed carbon-neutral hemp panels that are being 3D printed into walls, roofs, and floors. And they’re not stopping there – they want to manufacture, sell, own, and operate many mobile machines to process the hemp onsite.

Of course, they’ll need a big 3D printer to make this happen. That’s where Autonomous Robotic Construction Systems (ARCS) comes in. They’ve designed an XXL printer that can create structures up to 92,000 square meters! And they’ve got a humanitarian goal in mind – building affordable homes for people in impoverished regions.

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So there you have it – 3D printing with hemp is the way of the future. It’s better for the environment, it’s versatile, and it could revolutionize the construction industry. Imagine being able to print an entire house for just a thousand bucks? That’s some wild stuff.

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