Thrips be buggin’, yo! How you gonna kick ’em to the curb?

Thrips be buggin', yo! How you gonna kick 'em to the curb?

Yo, what’s good? It’s ya boy Dan, and today we’re talkin’ about thrips. These little pests can be a real pain in the ass for cannabis cultivators. They look like tiny worms or flying insects, and they love to suck the sap out of your plants. Here’s a quick guide on how to spot ‘em, prevent ‘em, and control ‘em.

So check it, thrips come in different species. They can be small winged insects, or they can look like pale-ass worms. But no matter what they look like, they’re bad news for farmers. They reproduce like rabbits and can survive just by flying from one plant to another. And let me tell you, they love cannabis more than anything else. When they show up early on in the grow process, they can really do some damage.

The most damaging thrip to cannabis is the Frankliniella occidentalis species. These little yellowish-white flying bugs lay their eggs on the plant itself. You can spot ‘em by looking for small silver stains or dots on the underside of leaves. But let me warn you, these buggers are sneaky and you might miss ‘em.

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Now, prevention is key when it comes to thrips. You gotta make sure your growing space is clean af before you start growing. Get rid of any dead plant matter and keep everything spick and span. Then, install insect adhesive strips. These babies are like fly paper for bugs – they’ll catch most of the free-flying insects around. Boom, problem solved.

But let’s say it’s too late for prevention – you already have an infestation. What do you do? Well, you gotta eradicate those thrips ASAP if you wanna save your crops and prevent a new infestation. The best way (without using harsh chemicals) is to use potassium soap or neem oil. Pyrethrins and rotenone are also options, but be careful cuz pyrethrins are toxic af to bees.

Another option is spinosad products – these are organic and harmless to pets, children, and plants. Spinosad is an organic pesticide made from certain kinds of soil bacteria. You can use it as a topical spray or at the roots. But remember, when you mix it with water, it’s only good for about 24 hours.

Now let’s talk about chemicals – if you wanna use ‘em to clean your space and crop, try to use the least toxic substances available. And always wear gloves and masks when handling toxic chemicals.

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Lastly, introducing natural predators like Orius laevigatus (the common bed bug) is another way to keep your harvest thrip-free.

So there you have it – a quick guide on how to deal with thrips when growing cannabis. Remember prevention is key, but if it’s too late for that then make sure to eradicate those suckers ASAP. Happy growing!

1 thought on “Thrips be buggin’, yo! How you gonna kick ’em to the curb?”

  1. Man, for real, them thrips be trippin’. Gotta hit ’em with that neem oil or some soapy water. Show ’em who runnin’ this garden, ya feel me?


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