Yo, Let’s Just Legalize the Bud, Not Just Move It Around! – 57% of Peeps on the DEA Site Want Cannabis Unlocked, Not Just Bumped to Level 3!

Yo, Let’s Just Legalize the Bud, Not Just Move It Around! - 57% of Peeps on the DEA Site Want Cannabis Unlocked, Not Just Bumped to Level 3!
Yo, fam! We got somethin’ wild goin’ down in the world of cannabis. So, check it out – 57% of peeps hit up the DEA site sayin’ they want that weed fully legal, not just playin’ around with it in some lil’ level three cage! That’s right! Folks are tired of the games. They want the whole situation flipped upside down, and I ain’t mad at that.

Time for a Change!

So, hold up. You know how our so-called leaders been treatin’ cannabis like it’s the same as hardcore stuff like heroin? Like, for real? That’s a vibe I can’t get with. Now, finally, they tryna move it from that Schedule I mess to Schedule III, but we all know that ain’t enough. It’s like givin’ a kid a cookie when he really wants the whole jar!

These corporate bigwigs and politicians actin’ like they just had a lightbulb moment, but lemme tell you, we been knew. Cannabis got mad medical benefits, and it ain’t dangerous like they try to claim. We ain’t fooled, and it’s time they recognize that.

The People Have Spoken!

When the DEA opened up comments for the public to spill their thoughts on this whole rescheduling thing, they didn’t know they was in for a surprise. From May to July 2023, nearly 43,000 comments flooded in. That’s a whole lotta voices lettin’ it be known they want that full descheduling! It’s like when everybody at the cookout starts shoutin’ for more ribs – you can’t ignore that!

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Now check this: 35% of the comments were cool with moving to Schedule III, but that’s just a baby step. A solid 57% said “Nah, we need to go all the way!” They want cannabis off the Controlled Substances Act, like it never even belonged there in the first place. That’s a strong statement, ya feel me?

What They Really Want

Peep this, the comments showed some deep feelings. One person was like, “Cannabis been wrongfully criminalized for way too long!” and another one said, “Rescheduling ain’t enough. We need to fix the injustices that came from the war on drugs.” For real, the people want justice, not just a little sprinkle of reform.

And check it, studies are showin’ that 42.4% of the comments were all about how federal reform needs to push for racial justice and equality. We can’t ignore how cannabis laws been messin’ up communities of color. It’s time to change that narrative.

What’s Next? Real Talk!

So now, the ball’s in the government’s court. They gotta sit down with all this feedback and decide what’s next. They might throw an administrative hearing to hear more voices before they make anything official. But let’s keep it real – if they don’t go for full descheduling, they gonna look real suspect. Who they really serving if they don’t listen to the people?

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We gotta stay on them, fam. Blow up their phones, slide into their DMs, make them know we ain’t playin’. They gotta represent the people, not just the corporate big shots who want to keep the status quo. The public is done with crumbs; we want the whole feast!

The Bigger Picture

We gotta think beyond just cannabis, ya know? If they’ve been this wrong about weed, imagine what else they slippin’ on. Cannabis is one of the safest recreational substances out there, way safer than alcohol or tobacco. But it’s been boxed away like a dangerous beast in the corner. That outdated mindset gotta change.

The cannabis game is booming, bringin’ in mad cash and jobs. States are rakin’ in the dough, and there’s no way they gon’ put this genie back in the bottle. So while they tryna make moves, we can’t let them water down the real change we need.

Keep the Pressure On!

We gotta keep the hustle strong, y’all. The proposed move to Schedule III might be on the table, but expect some pushback. The same folks who got us here might try to slow it down. So, it’s time to turn up the heat on our representatives and let ’em know we mean business.

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They need to hear us loud and clear that we want real change, not just some half-hearted attempts. Keep pushing for a future where cannabis is legal, where lives ain’t getting wrecked over a plant, and where we honor the voices of those who’ve been affected by these unjust laws.

In Conclusion

The people have spoken, and it’s about time the powers that be listen up! This ain’t just about weed – it’s about freedom, justice, and treating drug use like a health issue, not a crime. So let’s keep advocating and pushing for what we deserve. Together, we can bring about the change we all want to see. Let’s get it!

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