Weed’s Got Your Back: Feds Say It Cuts Down on Opioid Craving and Withdrawal Struggles!

Weed's Got Your Back: Feds Say It Cuts Down on Opioid Craving and Withdrawal Struggles!Yo, check it fam! So, there’s this new study that’s droppin’ some serious knowledge on how that green can help folks kick them opioids to the curb. You know how it is out here, with all them struggles from substance misuse. But they say that marijuana got our backs, helpin’ people get through them hard times. This ain’t just talk, it’s backed by some research from the University of Southern California (USC), and it’s got some fire findings!

From July 2021 to April 2022, these researchers hit the streets of Los Angeles, chillin’ with 30 folks who was tryin’ to figure out how cannabis was playin’ into their lives when it came to opioids. They was all up at this community spot, near a syringe exchange and a methadone clinic, lookin’ to understand how weed could change the game for people strugglin’ with opioid use.

Now, this report just dropped in the journal Drug and Alcohol Dependence Reports, and it’s got some serious weight to it. The study was funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), and it’s addin’ to the pile of research showin’ that if you can get your hands on some weed, it might just help you ease off them opioids. We talkin’ real-deal benefits, like helpin’ folks limit their use or even ditch it completely.

One of the key vibes that came outta the interviews was that cannabis helped folks manage them harsh withdrawal symptoms. You know, the body aches, the discomfort, all that mess that comes when you tryin’ to quit. Participants were sayin’ that smokin’ some weed made it easier to step back from them opioids and even helped them stick to their treatment plans. They was talkin’ ‘bout how weed provided “rapid relief from opioid withdrawal,” and that’s a big deal.

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A lotta the people involved in the study shared how they was usin’ cannabis alongside their opioid treatments. They said it helped them chill out when the cravings hit hard. One 26-year-old dude explained, “When I was hooked on opiates, smokin’ weed really helped me not feel that first urge to use.” He mentioned that weed helped him get over that initial hump, man. Ain’t that somethin’?

Another participant, 32 years old, chimed in about how using marijuana while tapering down his methadone really kept him clean. He said, “Marijuana helped me stay away from all them opiates.” That’s some real talk, right there. It’s like they found a way to balance it out.

Now, the researchers also highlighted how easy access to cannabis from dispensaries was crucial for makin’ them changes. Several folks was all about how they appreciated the growing number of shops in their areas, and how that helped them make better choices when it came to their health.

They concluded that, “Low barrier access to cannabis due to legalization facilitated co-using to decrease opioid use.” In simpler terms, when it’s easy to get your hands on weed, folks are likely to use it to help them step off those opioids.

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It’s not just this study, either. There’s a whole collection of research out there showin’ that cannabis can be a real game-changer for people dealin’ with substance issues. In Ohio, for example, many medical marijuana patients reported that cannabis cut down their need for prescription opioids. That’s what we call a win!

And it don’t stop there, fam! Another study published in the journal BMJ Open found that weed might be just as effective as opioids for chronic pain, but with way fewer side effects. That’s critical, especially when we talkin’ ‘bout findin’ alternative ways to manage pain without fallin’ into that opioid trap.

Even more interesting, some research has shown that specific compounds in cannabis can relieve pain comparably to morphine! We talkin’ terpenes here, which is wild. They even found that these terpenes might boost how well morphine works when used together.

So, what’s the takeaway from all this? It’s clear that cannabis can serve as a viable option for folks lookin’ to manage their pain and reduce their opioid use. It’s about finding that balance, y’know what I’m sayin’?

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As the study wraps up, it emphasizes the importance of that easy access to cannabis, which can help folks stick to their plans and manage their cravings. The bottom line is, marijuana ain’t just a chill vibe; it’s actually helping folks get through some tough times, and it’s time for more folks to recognize that.

So let’s keep the conversation goin’, and ensure that people know about the potential benefits of cannabis, especially for those fightin’ the opioid battle. We out here lookin’ for solutions, and it’s clear that weed might just be a part of that answer.

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