Underground Weed Compound CBG Boosts Memory and Chill Vibes, First Human Test Drops Truth!

Underground Weed Compound CBG Boosts Memory and Chill Vibes, First Human Test Drops Truth!
Yo, listen up! We got some real dope news comin’ at ya straight outta the lab, where them scientists been puttin’ in work, tryna figure out this lesser-known compound called CBG. You know how everyone be talkin’ ’bout THC and CBD? Well, CBG, or cannabigerol if you wanna get all fancy with it, is makin’ waves in the game too! This month, they droppin’ knowledge that CBG got some mad potential to improve memory and chill out them anxious vibes.

So, check it—researchers from Washington State University (WSU) and UCLA decided it was high time to see what CBG could really do for the minds of the people. While folks been chattin’ ’bout how it might help with stress and anxiety, the science community was like, “Let’s put that to the test!” And boy, did they find some wild results.

In a study published in the journal Scientific Reports, these scientists found that CBG was all about that “significant overall reduction in anxiety and stress.” Not only that, but it also cranked up the verbal memory for the folks takin’ it, all without any of that typical high you get from smokin’ that ganja. Ain’t that something?

Now, the lead researcher, a cool cat named Carrie Cuttler from WSU, was just as shocked as anyone when they saw them results. She said they had to “triple-check to ensure accuracy” ’cause they couldn’t believe how much it boosted memory. They found that folks takin’ CBG had a much clearer mind, lettin’ them remember stuff better than those who were just takin’ a placebo. It was all good vibes, no bad trips.

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When they ran the numbers, it showed that CBG was linked to a solid 26.5 percent reduction in feelings of anxiety. That’s like takin’ a deep breath after holdin’ it too long, ya feel me? Plus, they noticed that the people who consumed CBG reported feelin’ less stressed out like a Sunday afternoon chillin’ on the porch.

The way it went down was pretty scientific but still real simple. They had 34 healthy adults go through a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. That means half got the real stuff, and half got the fake. They did their thing, rating their own anxiety and stress levels before and after they took that CBG. Then they had to recall words and do some stress tests to see what was up in their brains after the fact.

Cuttler and her crew was like, “Yo, CBG could be a fresh new option for folks lookin’ to chill without gettin’ all high and outta their mind.” They made it clear that it could help folks feel less anxious and stressed while also givin’ a boost to their memory. Real talk, that’s a game-changer right there.

But hold up, they didn’t want everyone runnin’ out to grab CBG thinkin’ it’s a miracle cure-all. Cuttler emphasized that this is just the beginning, and they gotta do more studies to really nail down how CBG be workin’ in the body. She said, “It’s new and exciting, but replication and further research are crucial.” They tryna build a whole understanding of CBG and what it can really do for us without messin’ with our heads.

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So, what’s next for Cuttler and her team? They’re lookin’ to set up another trial to dive deeper into how CBG affects people, especially when it comes to blood pressure and heart rates. They wanna know how it interacts when folks be feelin’ those chill vibes. Plus, she’s also kickin’ off talks for a study that’s gonna check out how CBG might help with those tough menopause symptoms. If you know someone who might wanna get involved, they tryna hear from ya!

Meanwhile, while CBG is makin’ headlines, another study found that slappin’ CBD-infused lotion on your skin could protect you from them harsh UV rays. That’s right: not just for smokin’ anymore!

They also found that CBG might have some potential to be an anti-cancer warrior, especially for blood cancers. They droppin’ knowledge that these minor cannabinoids be holdin’ down some serious health benefits that we ain’t even fully explored yet.

So, keep your eyes peeled, fam. CBG is on the rise, and it’s lookin’ like it could open up a whole new world for folks lookin’ for relief without the high. Ain’t that somethin’ to vibe with? Hit up your nearest shop to see if they got some CBG on deck, and let’s keep this conversation goin’!

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This is just the start, and it’s only gonna get better from here. Stay tuned and stay lifted!

1 thought on “Underground Weed Compound CBG Boosts Memory and Chill Vibes, First Human Test Drops Truth!”

  1. Yo dis sound lit, I been hearin bout CBG and how it helps with focus and relaxin. Can’t wait to see how it work in humans. Gotta keep an eye on dis one for real!


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