Wet or Dry Trim? Which One’s the Best for Trimmin’ That Green?

Wet or Dry Trim? Which One's the Best for Trimmin' That Green?Yo, what’s good fam? Aight, so we talkin’ ’bout one of the most hype days in the growin’ game — harvest day! Whether you got one lil’ plant or a whole room fulla that sticky icky, you know it’s time to get busy. But listen up, no matter how fire your crop is, the real deal is in the trimmin’. You feel me? That trim is what separates the top-shelf from the trash. Ya dig?

Now, I know trimmin’ can seem like a lot at first, but don’t sweat it. We got you covered. We gon’ break it down so you can make those buds look fresh and tasty. Here’s the lowdown on how to trim that cannabis like a pro!

What’s the Trimmin’ Process and Why It Matters?

First things first, let’s hit up why we even bother with trimmin’ our green. Trimming is all about cuttin’ off those extra leaves that don’t do nothin’ for your high. You got two kinds of leaves on them cannabis plants:

  • Fan Leaves: These the big ones that get tossed.
  • Sugar Leaves: These the lil’ ones that hang tight next to the buds, and we keep those ’cause they be covered in trichomes.

Your goal is to get rid of as much leaf matter as possible. Ain’t nobody tryna smoke leaves, right? So you gotta learn how to manicure those flowers to perfection, using special scissors made just for this.

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The Two Main Trimmin’ Methods

Now, before you start snippin’, you gotta know ’bout the two main methods: wet trimmin’ and dry trimmin’. Each method got its ups and downs, so peep this:

Wet Trimmin’

With wet trimmin’, as soon as you harvest them buds, you start snippin’ ’em right away. You feel me? This method’s doin’ it before you dry ’em out. Check out the benefits:

  • Less Mold: Wet trimmed buds hold less moisture, so they ain’t as likely to get moldy.
  • Quicker Drying: Less moisture means your buds dry faster, and that’s key if time’s tight.
  • More Trichomes: You keep them resin glands on deck when you trim right after harvest.
  • Less Space Needed: Since you cut off most of the leaves, you need less room to dry.
  • Bigger Buds: Wet trimmed buds tend to look bigger, which is always a plus!

But hold up, it ain’t all good. Wet trimmin’ can leave your buds a lil’ fluffy and they might dry too quick, messin’ up that good flavor. Plus, it can get real messy, so be ready for that sticky situation!

Dry Trimmin’

Dry trimmin’ is a two-step game, fam. First, you dry the whole plant for a few days, then you trim it. This method is loved by connoisseurs for a reason:

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  • Breaks Up the Workload: You ain’t gotta rush to trim right away; you can take your time.
  • Denser Buds: Letting the buds dry tightens ’em up, making ’em denser.
  • Better Flavor: Slow drying helps keep all them terpenes intact, so your buds taste fire.
  • Perfect for Hash Makers: If you into makin’ hash, dry trimmin’ is where it’s at.

But ya gotta keep an eye on your environment, ’cause if it gets too humid, mold can set in. And, you gonna need more space to dry those leaves that you ain’t cut off yet. Plus, this method take a bit more time, so be prepared for that!

Which One’s the Best?

Alright, so which method you should roll with? Well, it all depends. Here’s when to use each:

When to Go Dry

  • When you want that top-shelf quality.
  • If you love using scissors to trim.
  • When you’re workin’ with a small batch.

When to Roll with Wet

  • If you got a machine to help.
  • When your weed gotta dry fast.
  • If you’re dealing with a big harvest.

The Tools You Gonna Need

You ready to get your trim on? You gotta have the right tools. Here’s what you should have in your arsenal:

  • Trimming scissors (various types)
  • Trimming machines (if you rollin’ that way)
  • Trim trays and bins
  • Some gloves to keep things clean
  • Scissor cleaner to keep your cuts sharp
  • A trim station or cart to keep it organized

How to Wet Trim Cannabis by Hand

  1. Set up your trim station real nice.
  2. Cut off the branches from the plant.
  3. Remove the big fan leaves first.
  4. Snip the sugar leaves outta there.
  5. Get rid of the extra leaves and keep ’em for hash.
  6. Snip them buds off the branch carefully.
  7. Manicure the buds, clean those edges.
  8. Clean up your station when you’re done.
  9. Double-check your buds; make sure they look good.
  10. Finally, prep ’em for drying and curing!


At the end of the day, whether you go with wet or dry trimmin’, it’s all about what works best for you. Just remember, trimmin’ is key to gettin’ that top-quality bud. So, pick your method, grab your tools, and get to work. Happy harvestin’, y’all!

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