Fresh Study on Growin’ Weed with Wild Scents

Fresh Study on Growin’ Weed with Wild Scents
Yo, what’s good fam? Lemme break it down for y’all about this dope new study droppin’ on how we growin’ that green goodness. You know the cannabis game be changin’ every day, right? New strains poppin’ up like they’s trying to outshine each other. So, peep this: makin’ a new strain ain’t just about tossin’ two plants together and hopin’ for the best. Nah, it’s all about selectin’ the right parent strains and lookin’ for them unique traits in the babies they produce.

Traditional Breedin’: The Art of Pheno Huntin’

So check it, breeders be mixin’ two hot varieties and then they be spectatin’ on how the new plants come out. They lookin’ at things like bud color, plant size, the shape of them leaves, and of course, that aroma. This whole hunt for them standout varieties, or phenotypes, based on how they look and smell? That’s what we call pheno huntin’, ya dig?

But yo, we ain’t just sittin’ back and watchin’ the same old game. With all this new science comin’ into play, pheno huntin’ is transformin’ into somethin’ deeper. We talkin’ about aroma exploration, or what they call chemo huntin’. This is like a whole new layer to findin’ those funky smells that make a strain pop.

Beyond Terpenes: The Complex World of Cannabis Aroma

Aight, let’s get into the nitty-gritty of that smell. Most folks think the unique aroma of cannabis comes from terpenes. Labs be sayin’ they find anywhere from three to twenty terpenes in a plant. But hold up! It ain’t just terpenes, fam. There’s a whole bunch of other little organic molecules mixed in there too, creatin’ a symphony of smells.

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Breeders and cannabis lovers already know there’s more to that aroma game than just the terps. When you whiff on some exotic strains, you might catch scents that are gassy, skunky, or even tropical. These crazy aromas come from a new class of compounds identified by Abstrax Tech in 2023, called flavorants.

Flavorants doin’ their own thang in the plant, built from different biochemical pathways. They be addin’ that flair, that special touch that makes a strain unforgettable. Terpenes act like the base note of a smell, while flavorants sprinkle that extra seasoning on top.

Research: Exploring Aroma Inheritance

Now, let’s break down this fresh research from Abstrax Tech. They be diggin’ deep into flavorants, especially how the smells from the parent plants be passin’ down to their offspring. They took a strain called Starburst 36, known for its sweet aroma, and grew it out to see what its kids would smell like. They grew them plants from seeds, made some ice hash rosin, and then analyzed the final product. They even had a crew of folks sniffin’ and rating the aromas!

Now, this is where it gets real interesting. The human nose be critical here, fam! Lab tests ain’t always pickin’ up on those flavorant molecules, but our noses? They got over 400 receptors, makin’ it easy to catch them subtle differences in aroma. This old-school saying, “the nose knows”? Yeah, that’s straight facts in the cannabis game.

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Key Findings: Aroma Diversity Among Offspring

In this study, they saw some wild differences in aroma among the daughter plants, even though their terpene profiles were similar. The human panel caught some funky cheesy scents in some plants that weren’t in others. This was groundbreaking, fam! They discovered free fatty acids like the ones found in blue cheese. Some plants had it, others didn’t.

And get this, the sweetness level? The plants that smelled the sweetest had a high level of these flavorants called tropicannasulfur compounds (TCSCs). These joints are so sweet that they can drown out other smells if they ain’t strong enough. The researchers found that the more indole was produced, the less TCSCs were around. So if breeders tryna highlight other smells, indole could be a marker for low TCSCs.

Implications for Cannabis Breeders

This research is a game-changer for cannabis breeders, straight up. It shows that just testin’ for terpenes ain’t cuttin’ it if you wanna find those unique aromatic notes in exotic strains. Since we just found out about flavorants and there ain’t no standard testing for ’em yet, breeders gotta trust their noses. This creates a ripple effect for consumers, especially in places where you can’t smell the strains before you buy ’em.

Humans can pick up low levels of them flavorant compounds that are crucial to the whole aroma picture. But our noses can’t really quantify how strong those smells are. If breeders understand the complexity, concentration, and distribution of aromas, they can take pheno huntin’ to a whole new level. We talkin’ about a new layer—chemo huntin’—to find even more unique cannabis varieties.

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So there you have it, fam! The science behind that green goodness just got deeper. We comin’ for those wild aromas, and you don’t wanna miss out! Stay lifted and keep that nose ready for the next wave of smells!

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